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A New Mexico Non-Profit Organization

This year we will not be sponsoring children, but we hope to in the near future. If you would like to be added to our mailing list for program updates, e-mail me at

"Children are the wind beneath our wings of wisdom and peace"

The Belarusian Children of Chernobyl, Inc. is a New Mexico Non-Profit Organization founded by Karen N. Cotter in March of 1999, which became a New Mexico Corporation in April of 1999. It functions under the laws of the State of New Mexico and carries an Internal Revenue Service “Recognition of Exemption”, No. 17053201027020. It is further associated with the International Charitable Association, “River of Life”, (ICO) of Minsk, Belarus.

The function of our organization is to provide a four (4) week rest/relaxation period for children who were victims of the "Accident at Chernobyl" in 1986, complete with a varied schedule of activities to places of interest around the City and the State.

Governor Richardson with 2005 group

Governor Bill Richardson, Dr. Viktor Slepovitch and the children of Belarus and their American host friends, 2007.

All families living in or near the accident were evacuated and relocated to Minsk, the capital of Belarus. It is from this group we begin our search for children who could use a healthy dose of fresh air, good nutritional food and a short period of time away from the still contaminated environment. No one knows for sure what the long-term effects of the radiation will be, only time will answer that question.

Officers & Directors
(A New Mexico Non-Profit Organization)

Karen N. Cotter, President
R. Hugo C. Cotter, Vice President
Connie Kallman, Secretary/Treasurer


at baloon fiesta park

Above: New Mexico, Land of Enchantment, Summer Respite 2007 The Belarusian Children, Their Host Parents, Host Brothers and Sisters & VIKTOR SLEPOVITCH, Interpreter